With an open heart, a lot of faith, a huge love to create
and be surrounded by beautiful things, Monique Gilchrist
opened MEG salon boutique (MEG are Monique's initials).
The knowledge and experience that spans over two and a
half decades could meet the present and compliment the
latest techniques and trends with some of the more
traditional hair styling approaches.
“I believe people are looking for realistic options and
solutions on how to approach their own unique style; to be
able to stay hip and fresh regardless of what stage in
life they are and by their own definition. Whether it's
hair, clothing or accessories or all the above.”
Continuing to be surrounded by beautiful things, MEG salon
boutique uses and provides for take home purchase, Davines
(pronounced dav-in-ess) complementing the service
experience that we provide. All products are available in
our online shop.
Welcome to MEG salon boutique
What our clients say